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2 min read
Price Matters – But Slashing Costs Won’t Win You Work
It’s notoriously difficult for tradies to compete, because other trade businesses out there slash their prices and often do cashies....

2 min read
Are You Leaving Money On The Table ?
Money!!! Free Money!!! Margin VS Markup – what’s the difference and why do you care? This is murky territory, it’s where your accountant...

3 min read
Provisional Sums VS PC Sums
Knowing the difference Confusion often arises when deciphering the difference between a Provisional Sum, and a Prime Cost Sum (PC Sum)....

2 min read
Using Your QS as a Trusted Advisor
The best QS in the world can price a job for you but that doesn’t mean you are going to make any money. Sounds like an odd way to start a...

2 min read
How to get the most of the money you spend on a QS – the Handover
Getting all the benefit from the transaction When you have sent a job to our QS team, and paid for them to do a full take off (measure...

2 min read
Are All QS's Created Equal ?
I received a call recently from a regular client who wanted to apologise for declining our latest quote. He had been hounded relentlessly...

2 min read
Being in Business is Tough!
This being-in-business game can be really really tough. Whether it is navigating your time between family life and the demands of being...

3 min read
Charge Up
Charge-up Thinking through your charge up terms & conditions I have heard about a lot of work being completed on charge up lately, not...

3 min read
The Opportunity Cost of Quoting
Quoting work isn’t free – no matter who does it. You have probably read about this topic before from us, but we thought it was high time...
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