Trade Services We Offer

Preliminary Budget Estimate
Used as a quick Preliminary Cost Estimate to prepare feasibility studies for budgeting. We measure the building floor area and apply an all-inclusive rate based on historic pricing.
Used in situations such as whether the builder is working with the customer from the inception of the project, where there are no plans or concept plans only.
Minimum info required:
Site location, project details (eg: building type, number of rooms, and spec: standard or high.)
Generally, any information available is useful and will help us provide a more accurate cost.

Elemental Cost Estimates
A more accurate cost estimate used to confirm cost-limit/budget. We measure all major elements: floor slabs, walls, ceilings, doors etc per M2 and apply an all-inclusive current market rate to these areas. Cost estimator quantity surveying
Used in situations such as setting the pre-tender budget expectations based on the most accurate project description. This plan is often used in negotiated contract situations.
Minimum info required:
Sketch design: general layout, building shape, number of stories, cladding type (eg: Colour Steel Roof with brick veneer).

Fully Tendered Jobs
We take the approved design and ask the subcontractors to provide a price based on this design. We generally will measure carpentry works: ie: timber and concrete.
Used where a fixed price has been requested, with or without contract documents.
Competitive pricing is assumed with advice given accordingly by the QS, to ensure the pricing matches the marketplace.
Minimum info required:
Complete design ie: tender/working drawings and specifications. Red QS can source quotes directly from subcontractors or to save time and fees, the client can supply these direct.

Materials Or Labour Schedules
We measure all labour required for a project, allowing for attendance on sub-trades and preliminary and general trades as directed by the client.
Materials schedule will be used for ordering supply items for the project. Labour schedule will be used when a client has been asked to supply a labour-only price for a project.
Labour constants will be applied to all items required to calculate.
Minimum info required:
Complete design or working drawings.

Contract Admin Services
This is generally post-contract work once the project is live. This could consist of processing progress-claims, variations, extension of time, etc.
Minimum info required:
Check with QS. Generally a signed copy of the contract, including tender summary breakups. Copy of an earlier progress claim. This work is usually on a charge-up basis.