It appears that the word is well and truly out in the Architecture community, with regard to the value of Quantity Surveying. With our monthly numbers for September now confirming the fact.
Here at Red Quantity Surveying, we are ecstatic to share the news.
September was our first month ever, that 100% of our fee offers presented to our architectural clients were accepted and engaged.
We have been putting in the hard yards to get around the country and talk to as many designers as possible, and it appears the talk is being heard. Quantity Surveying is now non-negotiable with a lot of designers, and they are stepping back from being responsible for the numbers, and instead directing their clients to a Quantity Surveyor.
With Concept Plan pricing now making up an increasing proportion of our work, designers are taking the opportunity to get pricing feedback as early on in the design cycle as possible. Therefore, giving their clients the best available information enabling them to make informed decisions with regard to where they spend their money in the project.
Being able to make decisions with cost clarity is the biggest benefit to the entire project team. Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape – everyone benefits from cost clarity.
So, if you are not using a QS, what are you doing for your clients and their projects? Crystal Ball maybe? Or just a solid guess and fingers crossed approach?
Step back from the issue, give the responsibility of cost to the professionals and let us take care of your project costing work. We will give you all the information you need to know to make solid, informed decisions with your clients - based on factual cost information.
The word is out, and your clients deserve the best information possible.